December 8, 2009

Get Organized Month

I know we haven't gotten through 'the holidays' yet but I'd like you to start thinking about an event that occurs in January--'Get Organized Month.' It is the professional organizing industy's national event dedicated to raising awareness of the benefits of getting organized and of hiring a professional organizer. It's not a coincidence that 'GO Month' (as we organizers call it) comes at the start of the new year. It's a time when many people make resolutions to get their homes and lives more organized and NAPO is here to help.

If there's a local chapter of NAPO in your backyard, chances are there's a GO Month event planned. If you're in and around Northern New Jersey between 11am and 3pm on Saturday, January 30, 2010 take some time to attend the NAPO-NNJ Get Organized Month Event at IKEA of Paramus, NJ. We're calling it 'Organize to Economize' in the New Year with IKEA Products. And the event is FREE!

There will be professional organizers on hand to greet you as well as staffed 'Tips Tables' in the Restaurant and Marketplace area. We'll also have members of our NAPO-NNJ chapter giving presentations on organizing closets, home offices and kitchens as well as mini-workshops for kids. I'll be there early to greet IKEA guests and I'll be photographing the event for the chapter.

So come on down, grab a famous IKEA cinnamon bun and get your organizing questions answered. It may not fulfill your resolution to lose weight but you'll be on the road to getting and staying organized in 2010. See you there!

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