October 20, 2010

Anniversary Post

I can’t believe it, but this month marks the one year anniversary of my blog. I had taken a class in blogging at the NAPO Conference in Orlando in Spring 2009 and got to create it last October on a day when my then 3 year old started preschool. At the time, I was also not quite 3 months pregnant with my second child and still feeling well enough to ‘give birth’ to another extension of my business.

I had set some goals for myself—some I met and some I didn’t…

The ones I met…

• Create interesting content for my blog

• Post at least 2x a month

• Offer great ideas for readers wanting to get organized

Goals I still have to meet…

• Talk about my 7 Steps to an Organized Wedding Thank you Note Book

• Discuss process of writing a full-length manuscript on the same topic (or not getting to write because you have an infant and a preschooler at home)

• Offer organizing tips to brides and grooms

• Post more pictures with blog posts

• Post 3x a month or more

• Post more entries on unique organizing products

I tell my clients not to be too hard on themselves and I’m going to take my own advice. I’m not going to be too hard on myself for not meeting those goals. I had a tough pregnancy and I’ve been sleep deprived since last Spring. There are only so many hours in a day to accomplish what you want to when you have two kids under the age of four!

I’ve loved writing this blog and I’m looking forward to writing more and providing my readers with interesting and helpful content.

Thanks again for droppin’ by…

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