February 21, 2011

#1 Organizing Principle for Brides: Delegate!

Brides and grooms--planning and executing a wedding of any size is a challenge. Doing it by yourself--is close to impossible. Please--don't even try it.

In order to avoid the multiple stresses of wedding planning, consider utilizing the #1 organizing principle for those heading down the aisle--DELEGATE.

Delegating tasks helps you to focus on what's most important to you. Having people assist you with tasks you don't wish to do or don't do very well frees up time for you to concentrate on the big/important components of your special day.

A few examples:

What to delegate:
Trips to the post office
Addressing invitations
Creation of welcome bags for out-of-towners

What to do yourself:
Try on and purchase gown
All contact with wedding vendors
Honeymoon planning

Family and friends are oftentimes more than happy to help with your wedding planning. Asking them to pick up stamps or put ribbons on wedding favors enables them to feel included in 'the big day' while you cross small yet time-consuming tasks off your to-do list and focus on what's most important to you. It's a win-win situation. 

What wedding-related task will YOU delegate?

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