It's that time of year again--when Uncle Sam looks to us for donations to his very large piggy bank.
It's April 13th. Hopefully you're reading this blog because you have already filed your taxes and you've got some free time on your hands. If you haven't started your taxes--have no fear. This year, the last day to file your taxes is April 18th--a Monday. You have a whole weekend to file your forms. Whew!
Why is tax day April 18th this year? Click here to find out...
Getting organized for tax day is a year-round process. For ideas on how to prepare for next year's trip to the accountant, read my article, "Uncle Sam is Ready--Are You? Getting Organized for Tax Time.'
By the 2012 tax day is Tuesday, April 17th. But I know you'll be ready waaaaay before that.
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