June 21, 2011

Cool Product - Fridge Binz

I'm lucky to live so close to The Container Store! Even if I don't need anything specific, I'll drop by, walk up and down the aisles and check out some new products now and then.

A short while ago, I was in the 'kitchen' aisle and came upon a product that I thought was not only cool but it could also help me with my own organization problem--my refrigerator.

Food was getting lost in my fridge. Food was going bad in my fridge. I didn't want to open my fridge!

OK--it wasn't that bad but I was having 'bread issues.' Loaves, buns, pita, wraps, and mini-bagels were getting lost and smushed in my fridge.

And then I met my new best friend--The Fridge Binz Tray. These heavy-duty plastic trays help to organize food items and create additional storage space. They come in different shapes and sizes but this one suited my needs best:

I looked at the tray in The Container Store and whispered to it, "Come home with me..."

I brought it home and it has become one of my favorite and most useful household organizing product. Here it is in my fridge:

All the bread products are in one place! When I want some, I pull it out by the handle:

Voila! Bread products slide out. Bread products slide back in. Nothing lost. Nothing smushed. Nothing wasted.

Take a look in your fridge. Could you use a Fridge Bin?


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