October 20, 2013

Ideas for an Organized Halloween


Hope I didn't scare you too badly...

If you couldn't tell by walking around the mall or your neighborhood, Halloween is just around the corner. I've bought my candy and scoured the Target One Spot for cool Halloween pencils. My eldest child's costume is almost complete (baseball player) while my three year old just prefers to wear an orange shirt (his favorite color) and I'm 100% fine with that.

What do you do to celebrate Halloween? Decorate your house? Cook Halloween-themed treats? Put on a costume to hand out candy?

Some people love Halloween, some celebrate it because of their kids, and some would rather shut off all the lights in their house and hide in their basement on Halloween. If you fall into the first two categories, read on.

Holidays require preparation and Halloween is no different. Ordering/making costumes, buying candy, preparing themed food, setting out decorations all take time. Then there's the purging of old costumes, candy-sorting, and the putting away of all decorations--lots to do for one day!

Mummy Hot Dogs - photo courtesy of Yummly.com
In order to make your Halloween a less stressful and cluttered holiday, I've gathered a few articles for you to read on the topic of organizing for Halloween.

From the people at Jurasic Junk Removal: Get Organized for Halloween

From Examiner.com: Top 10 Tips: Organizing Tricks to Make Your Halloween a Treat

From my organizing colleague and frequent guest blogger, Cena Block of Sane Spaces: Get Organized for Halloween

I hope these articles provide you with some good ideas on how to keep your Halloween organized so you can enjoy a stress and clutter-free holiday.

Watch out for ghosts and goblins and have a fun Halloween!

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